Senzor prezenta

The burglary alarm systems are intended to reveal, through proper detection elements, the intrusion by burglary in the protected areas and to warn users or staff responsible for monitoring and intervention in case of alarm.

According to the nature of protected area, there is a wide range of technical solutions, from compact systems for the residential buildings up to modular systems for commercial, industrial and public buildings.

Depending on the connection type between the detection and the warning elements and control panel, we have the wired systems, through shielded cable connection, and also the wireless systems, where communication is done through radio waves, or mixed systems which combine the two types.

Warnings of the alarms and faults are done locally, through opto-acoustic warning devices, and remotely by communicating voice messages / SMS to the users or also by communicating coded events to the monitoring and intervention dispecerate.
The detection elements composing the burglary alarm system will accomplish appropriate monitorization to protected areas: